For Women Who Love Men, Love Children, and Love Their Families

Mom: Want Your Family To
Work Together, Easier? 

Discover How To Help Your Family Team Up, Joyfully!

  • Husband: Happier & Closer!
  • Kids: Listening Better!
  • Everyone: Pitching In, Having Fun!

I can share first hand, Jeremy has done all of these things for a close family member of mine in as little as 2-3 weeks. I truly believe in what Jeremy has to share, so much value!

Daniela Roman

Foodpreneur, TV Host, Champion of Women

Jeremy has helped me find and define my role as a husband, father, and member of my community. 

Cameron Conklin 

Husband, Father, Entrepreneur

Your work IS very powerful to move past challenges. THANK YOU!

Lee Milteer


If you're here, it's because Your family isn't showing up quite the way you need, want, dream or desire.

We got this

SundaySep 082024

From: Jeremy Roadruck

+Mindset Mastery and Peak Performance Relationships

Dear Mom,

I know that's not your full identity - you're MORE than "just a mom" - in my experience, women and moms are also planners, organizers, dreamers, encouragers, keeper of secrets, the ones we turn to when we want to share something awesome and have it appreciated.

At her best, a woman is love personified.

And, if we're being honest, she's also almost always taken for granted WAY more than she deserves. 

And I aim to do something about that, quickly. Powerfully.

So, first - thank you for being interested in making your life, your marriage, your relationships better. I already know you're my kind of people: happy but not satisfied, willing to invest, learn, and grow.

Second - I ALSO know, you've got an amazing friend for them to know about this bundle and refer you to it because I'm only making this bundle available by referral.

So let's get to it.

What is this?

It's The Ultimate Husband and Child Hack Pack

This is a carefully selected cross-section of my best material, live trainings, courses, and guides on communication, polarity, intimacy, parenting, presence, and more to help give YOU the master keys to bigger and better impact with the people that matter to you the most.  Quickly and easily!

I'm bringing together my best insights on leadership, rapport, influence and impact, communication, setting and respecting boundaries from my experiences with developmental psychology, as a hypnotherapist, as a neuro-strategist, as a kung fu master, as a coach and consultant, and as an entrepreneur and business owner for more than 28 years. 

Who is this for?

For Busy, Productive Moms that love their families but often feel like they are the only ones moving the ball forward in life, love, and household chores!

Your family is great, you love them - I know this, but... if we're being honest... they drop the ball more than you deserve, and it's draining you.

It's preventing you from showing up as your most radiant, playful and loving, gracious and giving best! 

You're tired...

  • You're tired of feeling disconnected from your heart!
  • You're tired of just plain tired of feeling tired!
  • You're tired of feeling like you have to nag to get anything done.

This is the perfect information for busy moms who are sick and tired of feeling like she's nailing Jell-O to the wall, daily. 

BUT (and that's a big but)... 

  • You're NOT a "my way or the high-way" type of woman. 
  • You don't WANT to be the boss of everything or everyone.
  • You don't WANT your children's first, last, and only go-to parent to be you - your husband is totally a capable human being, too! 
  • You don't WANT to be the final decision-maker on meals, vacations, when we leave, how we get there

Ultimately, this is perfect if you: 

  • Want your husband and kids actively, happily pitching in on chores, meals, cleaning! 
  • Want a family that everyone WANTS to be part of, kids sharing their lives with you!
  • Want the house that everyone wants to hang out at because it's so chill (and your family takes care of who they invite over, not just you!)
  • Want more laughter, love, peace, understanding and appreciation of everyone in your family! 

As for who I am - I'm Jeremy Roadruck, force of nature!  

Husband and father,  kung fu master, international and multi-time US national champion, international best selling author, speaker, coach and consultant to dads to lead in business, hypnotherapist, neuro-strategist, and forever student of life. 

Why Now?

A friend of mine's marriage is imploding, but not for a lack of love.

His wife feels overwhelmed, overloaded, taken for granted, like everyone is taking OUT of her and demanding OF her, and she's DONE with it.

At her request, I started to collect some key resources to help motivate and inspire her again, as well as key ways to help her spark new behavior in herself and from her family. 

I've been working with men, women, couples, kids, teens, elders in a variety of situations for close to 30 years and I've found critical, key moments and points of inflection that can either blow a relationship UP to new heights, or burn it to the ground. 

There's things for wives to know, and things for husbands to know - I've discovered that fault, blame, guilt, and shame doesn't help.

It just keeps everyone locked in their own cage, justifying, arguing instead of aligning and moving forward, quickly and powerfully. 

Sometimes we need to be heard, and sometimes we need to just shut up and do better - and it's MUCH easier to hear that from a 3rd party like me instead of from your husband or wife. Different expectations, different impact based on the source of the feedback or guidance. 

Ultimately, a healthy marriage is a bit of luck, a bit of skill, and a LOT of communication. Sometimes we can't hear what someone is actually saying because we've already decided what they mean - and we're actually just jumping to conclusions. I know I've done that, and I admit it. So has my wife. It's why we are stronger now, together, than we were 10 years ago.

When Does It Start?

Now. Immediately. You get access to digital content and can dig into the material immediately AND you'll have access to my calendar to book out some 1:1 time to talk about what's going on, what you've done, what you want, and how to get there, quickly. 

With my 1:1 clients, I do deep, inner wound healing quickly - like in hours, instead of days, weeks, months or years. But to make that healing possible, we have to get clear on what you truly need, want, dream, and desire. 

So this "hack pack" gives you a mix of at your own pace material supported by three 1:1 interactions with me to support understanding and implementation of the frameworks I'll be sharing with you.  

Where To I Get Access?

Anywhere. Your phone or other digital device. Any time, any place for all the digital components, email for the reports and guides, zoom for our 1:1 calls. Calls are recorded and you'll get lifetime access - we'll cover a LOT of ground, and quickly so it's great to be able to go back and re-listen time and time again.

How Do I Sign Up?


1. Hit the "Yes Please! I'm In!" button, you'll be taken to a payment page. At the moment, this is a small-scale test - which is why it's referral only at the moment - and I'm manually adding access to make sure there's no bugs in the workflow.

2. Once you're enrolled, you'll be taken to a thank you page with links to your digital course(s), reports and guides. That page also has a link to schedule your initial call with me. We'll set up our follow-up calls on that first call as well. 

3. You'll have LIFETIME access to this content, plus you get three calls with me for some 1:1 dialogue to tweak and custom-tailor the material to you and your unique situation. All coaching and conversation between us is kept private. 

what Exactly am I getting? 

Soup to nuts, you're getting LIFETIME ACCESS to:  

1) Finally Getting Your Kids to Listen v2.0 digital course - 6 part course on communication, how and why what we say isn't received and how to organize it differently so it gets through their thick, so they receive it more fully.

2) Three 1:1 calls with me on zoom, recorded and sent to you so  you can review. This lets us custom-tailor the material to your unique situation, plus I can connect you to additional resources or content to support you fully! 

3) Getting More Sex and Intimacy digital course - amazing information so you can get what makes you feel amazing physically, mentally, and emotionally!

4) Your Best Child Ever: Is This Game Worth Winning - digital download and signed paperback - my best selling book, the only parenting book with a money-back guarantee showing you how to play better games - games where everyone gets to feel warm, big, happy inside!

5) How to Hack Your Husband Report - this is a serious game changer at home. This gives you a super power to pull the BEST out of your man as a husband, father, protector, and provider.

6) The Six Positions of Relationships Report - this report breaks down the challenges and complications, the resistance and roadblocks that show up at the various levels of relationships. Knowing where you are makes it easier to figure out HOW to get to where you ultimately desire to be!

7) Five to Thrive: Secrets to Fulfilling Relationships on All Levels package - this component sets you up with a clear roadmap to follow to define what would delight you in your marriage and as a parent. I've been told the "spotlighting" technique alone with worth the price of this whole course!

All totaled, this is a $3975 package!

If you're in business for yourself, this package can also be considered business education, so it's a tax write-off. And if you're a coach or consultant, there's even a way to license my material and implement it in your programs, too! 

As a Mindset Mastery & Peak Performance Relationship Consultant...

I make sure you are showing up at your best ability in life, love and business! 


You’ve investing time, money, & energy into your life - personally and professionally, and there are certain things we are told are "normal" on that path - like the resistance of our spouse or children. And that's simply not true

When you have tension, stress, or strain in your marriage - or doubts, fear, worry, or anxiety in your parenting - your business suffers. You suffer. I'll help you plug the holes in your BS - your belief systems, as well as point out key distinctions to amplify the good stuff, while minimizing the negatives. 

I work with difference makers like YOU that do amazing work, but aren't getting the traction they need or deserve at home.

Let's breathe some fresh perspective into your relationships and accelerate your joy in life.